Titel | Order by Fluctuation? Classical Archives and Their Audiovisual Counterparts; Technomathematical And Epistemological Options in Navigating Trans-Alphabetical Archives |
Publicatietype | Essay |
Publicatiejaar | 2017 |
Auteurs | Ernst, W. |
Publicatiedatum | 12/2017 |
Uitgever | Stichting Archiefpublicaties |
Plaats uitgave | 's Gravenhage |
Taal | EN |
RefMan | 10164 |
Samenvatting | This essay concentrates on audio-visual information. Archives, today, can be re-defined in terms of negentropic systems. How can not only material traces and textual documents, but temporal expressions (or movements) themselves be preserved for future historiographies? The answer lies in discovering, reflecting and techno-mathematically realising new options of flexible access. |
Aantekeningen | In: Frans Smit, Arnoud Glaudemans and Rienk Jonker, Archives in liquid times, Stichting Archiefpublicaties, 's Gravenhage, 2017. (p |
Citation Key | ref_10164 |
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zaterdag, 2 december 2017 - 11:26pm
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