Titel | Big Data Protection; How to Make the Draft EU Regulation on Data Protection Future Proof |
Publicatietype | Divers |
Publicatiejaar | 2014 |
Auteurs | Moerel, L. |
Publicatiedatum | 02/2014 |
Uitgever | Lokke Moerel, Tilburg University |
Plaats uitgave | Tilburg |
Taal | EN |
ISBN Nummer | 978-94-6167-000-7 |
RefMan | 9775 |
Samenvatting | That new technologies have an impact on society is intuitively understood. The essence of new technology’s transformative power lies in the way it changes economic trade-offs which influence, often without our awareness, the many small and large decisions we make that together determine who we are and what we do, decisions about education, housing, work, family, entertainment, and so on. |
Aantekeningen | Lecture delivered during the public acceptance of the appointment of professor of Global ICT Law at Tilburg University on 14 February 2014 by Prof. dr. Lokke Moerel.
URL | http://www.debrauw.com/wp-content/uploads/NEWS%20-%20PUBLICATIONS/Moerel_oratie.pdf |
Citation Key | ref_9775 |
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