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Authentiek afschrift

Now, keep in mind that certifying a digital reproduction simply means declaring that the reproduction is conform to the entity in the system, an authentic copy of such entity, but does not imply that the entity in the system is authentic. An archivist can only authenticate a record in the system (i.e. declare its authenticity) if he/she is able to declare that the record was created in a reliable system, that it was maintained in a system whose integrity can be demonstrated, and was under the control of competent persons through its life cycle (in an unbroken chain of custody).

Luciana Duranti

Re: Certified copy E-record, E-mail van 6-nov-2008, Management & Preservation of Electronic Records [ERECS-L@LISTSERV.ALBANY.EDU]


Datum eerste publicatie: 
vrijdag, 7 november 2008 - 12:00pm